Math For Those Who Think They Can't Do Math
Are you smart, a good reader who can’t understand why you can’t “do” math? Do you have students in your classes that fit the same bill? Mathematics is a language that needs to be spoken and our culture speaks it incorrectly. This workshop helps teachers to clean up their math language and start by calling numbers by their correct place value names. The participants will then learn that there are an infinite number of ways to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers. The learners are encouraged to use their own creativity to do these basic operations. This session also deals with the mathematical connection between what we teach in the elementary grades to what is taught in the algebras. Developmental theory, multiple intelligences, and different learning styles are emphasized, enabling teachers to help their students understand math concepts from the concrete stages to the abstract. Come prepared to laugh and have some fun.
Read more about Math For Those Who Think They Can't Do Math:
- Pigs in the Pen
- Place Value vs. Face Value
- Algebraic Addition!
- Subtraction is Shopping
- Multiplication!
- Fair Share: A Rational Approach to Division
- Wonderful Word Problems